Tuesday, September 30, 2008

China - Day 4

Well, I am not writing this on the fourth day we were in China, but rather the fifth day. I didn't really have a chance write yesterday, so I am writing now. Another reason I did not write yesterday is because we really did not do anything. Well, I did not do anything of interest. Katherine got her hair cut again...big surprise! Anyway, since I did not do much, I'm going to let Katherine tell you about that...

OK, well first I did not get my hair cut again, I got it washed and styled. BIG difference, since the length of my hair did NOT decrease. So I'll make this short... We left around ten thirty to eleven, Mom, Mrs. H., Katrina, Priscilla, Aaron (LOL), Niko (again-LOL), and me. We all went to the hair salon, except Aaron and Niko, they went to a DVD "shop." We all got our hair washed including both moms. Katrina, and the moms all just got their hair washed, and dried, and trimmed(a tiny bit). Priscilla got her hair curled in big waves, and I got ALL my hair curled in ringlets, I looked like Shirley Temple! I sort of still do. After hair we went to a shopping mall to look for a custom dress maker, because my birthday present is a custom made dress... well we looked, and looked, but there were no custom dress makers.

We looked again today but still none, we did order a custom made "cloak" (cashmere) though, but we are going to look for dress makers sometime soon.

I'm having a lot of fun here, the drivers are all crazy:)! Tomorrow we are going to a "wild" section of the great wall.

Lots of love,

From Katherines hair

From Katherines hair


Rebecca said...

You look beautiful Katherine!

Umm...did I miss something, who are the people you went to the hair salon with? Did Danny and your dad do something else?
I'll email you soon! =)


December's hair used to curl into ringlets like that naturally when she was little. We called it Shirley Temple hair, too. Your Shirley Temple hair pictures are very lovely, Katherine. A cashmere cloak? Wow. That sounds very, very special. I guess having a birthday in China is pretty special as well. :)

Aaron said...

They went to the hair salon with the family we are staying with.
Danny and my dad went out with the remaning part of the family (dad, and younger boys). I think they went out on scooters for the time.
Katherine is pretty happy about the cloak (and dress). Yeah, not everyone can have a birthday in China...